What can lower my vibrations?
Updated: Aug 31, 2022
There are small, subtle activities we partake in daily that we overlook when it comes to our mental and spiritual well-being. It is so important for us to preserve and save our energy on things that will work to our benefits. If you "raise your vibrations" high frequency energies align with your higher self. Traits of higher vibrations/frequencies include feelings of gratitude, balance, contentment, and inspiration.
Music works as a powerful stimulant to the brain. I like to compare my choices in music to the type of people who lift me up and bring me happiness. It is so important to listen to the lyrics of songs because those feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions portrayed into the music will affect your state of mind at the current moment. In my personal experiences, I used to listen to music that revolved around sadness, negativity, harmful behaviors, and activities that were against my moral value. I still enjoy that music, however, I have created a balanced level of playlists where I can tweak my mood at the moment for the better. I am not saying to completely stop listening to your favorite artists, but pay attention to the messages the lyrics are bringing to your mind. We like to turn to music when we need a good distraction or feel slightly anxious. In feelings of anxiety, it is important to listen to upbeat, positive songs and artists. Keep in mind the laws of attraction because what you surround yourself with will be what energy you radiate to yourself and others.
Your environment and selection of peers has a direct effect on the energy you feel and give out. It is best to surround yourself with those who are like-minded, encouraging, and positive. If we are spending our time with people who bring us down and do not align with our goals and values, we would pick up on their behaviors and be a spitting image of their low vibrations and negativity. Please note that sometimes encounters with low-vibrational people can be out of our control whether that be co-workers, some members in your family, or teachers, etc. However, we do have full control over how we react and save our energies in these situations. At times like these, make sure to always remain close to those who build you up and also want to help you become the best version of yourself.
As much as I love "Keeping Up With The Kardashians", "Selling Sunset", and "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", reality television is meant to glamorize the everyday lives of the people on the show. Think about it; would you be interested in watching a very realistic reality show that captures people taking their afternoon naps, eating cereal in their pajamas before they hit their 9 to 5, and showing off their average household? I know that I would not stay engaged into watching that show. Behind the scenes of reality television, the celebrities and actors have typical struggles like the rest of us at some point in their lives. It is important that we do not compare the lives we see on TV to our very own. We might not have a gigantic closet with every Louis Vuitton bag in the world and very few people do. Do not let these over-glamorized shows dictate your feelings on your current life situation. Reality TV is meant to make life look glamorous, easy, and full of luxury because that is what keeps the general audiences entertained.
A habit that many successful people have in common is having great organization in their homes and work spaces. It makes a fun activity to clean out the stuff you no longer use! Having too much clutter and disorganization will always take your mind out of focus to fixate on the mess that you have. Less is always more, so make sure that you have everything that you need in your spaces rather than too many items that you no longer use. Productivity is vital to success and motivation and a good deep cleaning is the perfect way to start from scratch.
It is true that your thoughts create your reality and everything you say about yourself is put out into the universe. Self-deprecating language will actually turn you into what you claim you are. For example, if you say "I am so ugly", "Bad things always happen to me", or "I do not deserve to be happy", you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole of self-doubt. What you think and what you say will manifest into reality. If you have struggled with low-self esteem, it is never too late to start to learn how to love yourself and become content with the person you are. If you want to attract success, happiness, and positivity, you have to start affirming yourself of those things. Try to sit down and make a list of all of the things that you like about yourself and what you are thankful for. Practicing gratitude goes hand-in-hand with building up your self-esteem. When you know that you are beautiful and that you are worthy, you attract the energies that allow that to come to life!
"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - Aibileen (The Help)