5 Small Habits That Can Change Your Life
Updated: Aug 31, 2022
I will start off by letting you know that you have heard of these simple habits you could develop daily. You might have grown up and heard about these habits in your childhood. Maybe it was your parents, friends, or a mentor in your life that constantly reminded you about these simple steps of action that can benefit your productivity, energy levels, and organization. It is always the small, simple things we tend to neglect. Little do we realize, these have the HIGHEST IMPACT!
This is one habit that took me 19 years to perfect. We now live in a world where we can do plenty of work from home making productivity a challenge. Making your bed as a part of your morning routine will not only make you room look cleaner and less-cluttered, it can prevent the temptation of completing work and other tasks in bed. If leaving your bed/bedroom has been a challenge lately, change your scenery! You can work from your kitchen table, find a local coffee shop, or even your backyard patio. When your day is done and it is time to relax and unwind into your nightly routine, getting into bed will feel more like a reward for all of the work you put in during the day.
Hydration is vital to cognition, proper organ function, and your overall mood. It is so easy to wake up each morning and head straight for the coffee mug and forget the existence of water. We often experience the feeling of hunger more than we do thirst. Even if your esophagus does not feel like the Sahara Desert, keep chugging the water. Ever since I have increased my water intake, I experience less brain-fog and I am less likely wanting to take a nap in the afternoon. Pro Tip: It helps tremendously to keep your favorite water bottle on you throughout the day. If you have places to go or a packed schedule throughout the day, keep track of that water bottle like you do your phone!
We always suppress our boredom by opening apps on our phone leaving us trapped into watching videos, liking posts, and even comparing our lives to others on social media. There is absolutely no shame in a little social media detox! Ever since I have developed the habit of reading consistently, I have become more educated within the topics of books I tend to read. If you are like me and struggle picking genres you may enjoy, be patient with this process. There are so many books out there related to self-help and personal development. Reading is the perfect brain exercise and can improve your overall focus and concentration. Pro Tip: Try to search for a book that is relevant to what your are currently experiencing in this period of your life. For example, when I was going through a difficult time with my self-esteem, I gravitated towards motivational books that have altered my mindset for the better.
Having a calendar or a planner is so helpful when it comes down to a jam-packed schedule. There has for sure been a time where we have relied on our "perfect memory skills" and accidentally forgot to show up to a hair appointment. Planners are essential to making sure we do not forget things we have planned weeks or maybe months in advance. Another important takeaway from this advice is to use your planner to set aside time for work, family, social life, and time for yourself. This can hold us accountable for not spreading ourselves too thin to where we have wasted our energy. Planning can promote a healthy balance in your life and also allow you to prioritize the necessary obligations.
I would have to say that out of this list, this is the hardest habit to master. Adults should aim for 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Having a set time to go to bed and wake up in the morning is another helpful trick to making sure you preserve your energy throughout the day. Personally, I have noticed that when I go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, I noticed that I have had more time to spend for myself. We are always getting caught up in our work and school schedule so much that we forget how important the time we set aside for ourselves is. If you are an introverted extrovert like me, this habit has helped me recharge my social battery so that I can be my best self for my friends and family. My goal is to always be in bed by 10 (when no plans conflict) and up in the AM at 7at the latest. You do not have to do my schedule because it is important that you do what is best for your mind and body! Each person is going to be slightly different!